Founded in 1997, our novitiate house for Asia is simultaneously a place of great apostolic mission.
Here we offer formation for the novices and postulants, just as in our other formation houses around the world. This time of formation includes spiritual formation, a deepening of the understanding of our charism, theology and philosophy classes, and various Biblical studies.
The postulants are a great help to their professed sisters in their various apostolates, such as taking care of the children and families in the neighborhood and leading children’s adoration in schools and parishes of Cebu. The Sisters also tutor the children with the help of volunteers, and welcome them for prayer each morning, offering them something to eat for lunch. There are around 50 youth and children who are formed to help lead the congregation in song for Sunday Masses.
The Brothers and Sisters are also at the service of the young adults who are welcomed over a period of several months for the “School of Life”, a program for those who would like to deepen their Christian life. During the program, they receive spiritual and philosophical classes and participate in various missions with the Community.
As for the novices, however, their “mission” is to enter deeply into their new form of life, and to carry their Brothers, Sisters, and volunteers through a hidden life of prayer.
“My soul magnifies the Lord”
Our address:
St Therese of the Child Jesus Priory
Good Shepherd road
box 1160
Cebu city 6000
Landline 51 37 014