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The Discernment Process

Young women between 18-35 who are interested in discerning with us are invited to come and experience our life.



is the most important aspect of your discernment and our discernment during the entire process. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to God's will for you.

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Ask yourself:

Does the Sisters' life respond to my deepest desires? Am I attracted to their contemplative-apostolic life? Do I have an apostolic zeal to bring Christ to families, children, the elderly, youth, the poor, and to the world? Do I thirst for truth? Do I desire to find my first resting place on the heart of Jesus in the footsteps of  John the Beloved Disciple?

If you would like to get in touch with our vocation director, Sister Anne, she would be happy to talk with you about any questions you might have. You can do so by filling out this form.


The Formation Process

Following the inquiry process in which we invite young women to visit our priories, get to know us, and experience our life, those who discern with our vocation director can apply to enter postulancy.


Postulancy: (9-12 months) Postulancy is a time for the candidate to get to know us and for us to get to know her on a deeper level. She lives our life with us to further her discernment.




​Temporary Profession: (4 years min.) At the end of the novitiate, the sister asks to profess religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During the time of temporary profession the sister gains apostolic experience and learns to live out the vows concretely in daily life and deepens her discernment.

​Novitiate: (2-2.5 years)The novice mistress closely accompanies the novices in their continued discernment and their human and spiritual growth, helping them to become more familiar with our charism and how we live the consecrated life. During the novitiate the sister receives the habit and her religious name.


​Perpetual Profession: The profession of religious vows until death. With this the sister commits her life completely to God in our congregation.


Contact Us

Saint Joseph the Worker Priory

109 Telford Street 
East Orange, NJ 07018

Tel: 1-973-678-7007

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Priory

707 Salisbury Road,

Columbus, OH 43204


Tel: 1-309-243 1488

Saint Peter Priory

104-106 High Street

Old Aberdeen-AB24 3HE



Tel: 00-44-1224486098


Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Priory

Banawa Hills PO Box 1160

Cebu City 6000



Tel: 00 63 32 255 09 72


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