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Meet the Sisters...

Sr Theresia Maria
East Orange, NJ

What drew me to the Community of Saint John,besides always feeling "at home" when I visited the Sisters, was the Eucharistic-centered life of the Community. We spend an hour every morning and evening adoring our Eucharistic Lord. The celebration of the daily Eucharist is the heart of our day. Another aspect that drew me was the joy that I saw in the Brothers and Sisters. When I first visited, I saw so many faces beaming with joy. Now that I am a Sister myself, I live this joy of a life fully given to the Lord and hope to pass it on to others.



Sr Victoria Maria
Princeville, IL


The example of my parents and my early years in Catholic schools were good preparations for me to be able to hear God’s call. The experience of my father’s love for me has always helped me to turn towards our loving Father in Heaven in the secret of my heart, who keeps me under His gaze. Slowly,  Jesus drew me to Himself and to religious life through the time I spent visiting and praying in different monasteries at Mallorca (my native country). At 20 years of age, I became a Sister and left my parents and beautiful island. My heart is full of joy and gratitude for Jesus' call, and for all that He has done for me during these years (In 2018 I celebrated my silver jubilee).  I can say that He is my best Friend, and, like Mary, I keep all these things in my heart.


It was during a young adult retreat with the Community of Saint John, that I felt like I met Jesus in a personal way for the first time. I finally felt and believed that He loved me! He thirsts for my love. It was as if His thirst for my love met my thirst to love and be loved. It took time for Him to convince me that He could really fill my heart that had such a great desire for love, but then finally I realized it was really only Him, that could do this! With this discovery came the desire to share the treasure of His love with others, to share that there is Someone who can and will satisfy the desire contained in every human heart for an infinite love. The joy of being the spouse of Christ and the mother of souls (and who could say this without grace!) is not always sensible, but it is real and present. I believe that in any vocation if we loved and are loved, it is not possible that living joy not be there. 



Sr Anne
Princeville, IL
Sr Monika Maria
Princeville, IL

At age 17, I was certain Jesus was calling me to be a Sister, but it wasn't easy to find the right Community! When I visited the Apostolic Sisters of St. John, I was attracted by the time devoted to Eucharistic Adoration daily and the love and devotion the Sisters have for our Blessed Mother. I also liked the balance between prayer, fraternal life, and apostolic outreach. I am very thankful that God has led me to our Community, which is, for me, a "family" where I really feel at home.



Contact Us

Saint Joseph the Worker Priory

109 Telford Street 
East Orange, NJ 07018

Tel: 1-973-678-7007

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Priory

707 Salisbury Road,

Columbus, OH 43204


Tel: 1-309-243 1488

Saint Peter Priory

104-106 High Street

Old Aberdeen-AB24 3HE



Tel: 00-44-1224486098


Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Priory

Banawa Hills PO Box 1160

Cebu City 6000



Tel: 00 63 32 255 09 72


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